In Memory Of

We occasionally receive notes and pictures from past dog owners who share stories of their pups who passed. It’s these stories of the wonderful and fulfilled lives our puppies live that really hit home for us. We would like to memorialize these wonderful dogs here as a token of our appreciation for sharing their story.

Nico’s Handsome Boy Bandit

Hello Palmer family,

My name is Mitch, and in 2008 I received one of the greatest gifts I could have ever imaged from you and your family. I named my gift Bandit, and I feel like I owe your family a great apology for not having shared the joy you gave to me. I know the amount of joy is not something I can ever repay back, but I do want to provide a small example of how much it has been appreciated. The gift you gave me will live on forever, and the joy will continue to overflow from my heart.